Book code errors: sign reversal


Working through the Book. About halfway through,

the sign usage of >, <, <=, >= seems to reverse. I wasn't sure

so I double checked with the downloadable code, there appear to be

nearly five different instances of sign reversal. Has anyone

addressed this issue?


Some codes in the book have Errors. Coding errors within the book have come up before. I don't know if they'll ever be fixed.


Has anyone addressed this issue?

Addressed it in what way ?

It's odd that there's a consistent pattern of sign reversal. It's so specific that it seems intentional,

given that the code is correct in most other respects, carefully commented if poorly explained/translated.

-The errors should be corrected on the next revision ( I haven't kept track of them all, but I believe there are between 5-10 sign reversals)

-In the meantime, problem examples should be flagged

-It's kind of a nice exercise, maybe example code should contain more errors with an answer key