SMTP Error 501


Hi there,

I'm a bit puzzled by this one. I've been running MetaTrader 4 for a couple of years now. No problems. However, I've recently purchased a new (Windows 7) machine and installed the MetaTrader software no problem. The email settings (under Options) are giving me trouble, though. I have entered all the boxes (SMTP server, login, password etc.) exactly as on my old PC (which still works) yet am getting the following error on my new PC when I click the "Test" button:

Mail: invalid answer [501]

Very confused. All help appreciated.


Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7

Thanks WHRoeder, but any idea why not ? I've actually installed in "Program Files (x86)". Does this still cause issues do you know ? Seems a bit of a strange bug.

Thanks again.

It's a UAC issue . . do a search.

Well - I disabled UAC completely and then restarted the computer. To no avail, though - same issue. I guess I need to deinstall MetaTrader 4 completely and re-install in a different location. Will this definitely work ? Thanks.


mt4 was designed pre-Vista. It doesn't understand UAC or the moving of user files under it.

Running under Admin or disabling UAC SHOULD work but sometimes people still have problems.

Why fight it. Eliminate the problem. Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7!


Ok - this is getting very annoying now. I have deinstalled MetaTrader completely and then reinstalled in a brand new folder (nothing to do with Program Files). Same issue. Aghhhhh ! Any more ideas ?


I have entered all the boxes (SMTP server, login, password etc.) exactly as on my old PC (which still works)

If that is true . . . please check that you have the password correct by re-entering it in your old PC and try the test again . . . then the most likely issue is a firewall issue on your New PC.