Memory Leak issue


why does my code cause a memory leak. I coded it such that it will run the indicator on all the bars and then stop accepting future ticks.

 i = Bars;
    Print("Year: "+TimeYear(Time[i])+" Month: "+TimeMonth(Time[i])+" Day: "+TimeDay(Time[i])+"Hour: "+TimeMonth(Time[i]));
     while(i > 0)
       string match = List[0];
       m = 0;
       for(j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--)
         if( (Close[i+j+1] - Open[i+j+1]) > 0)match = StringSetChar(match, m,'u');
         else match = StringSetChar(match, m,'d');
         //Print("Time of Hour "+TimeHour(Time[i+j]));for debugging
      // Print("pattern found is "+match+" at hour " +TimeHour(Time[i]) );//for debugging
       for(j = 0; j < ArraySize(List); j++)
         if(List[j] == match)
           // Print("The minute and hour of this Hourly is "+TimeMinute(Time[i])+" and "+TimeHour(Time[i]) );
           // Print("The minute and hour of this Minute is "+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60))))+" and "+TimeHour(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60)))) );
            m = (i+1)*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,(i+1)*60));
           // Print("Time of m is hour: "+TimeHour(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1))+" min: "+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1)));
           // Print("closing price is "+iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1));
               if(iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) )
                  if((iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)>= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3))&&(iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)> (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3)))
                     //Print("broke up at "+iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
                  else if((iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3))&&(iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)< (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3)))
                   //Print("broke dn at "+iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
               else if(iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) >= iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m))
                   if((iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3))&&(iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)< (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3)))
                   //Print("broke dn at "+iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
                  else if((iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)>= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3))&&(iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)> (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3)))
                     //Print("broke up at "+iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
     Print("i is: "+i);

can u explain please what is the value of size? & where is this var initialize

for(j = size - 1
why does my code cause a memory leak. I coded it such that it will run the indicator on all the bars and then stop accepting future ticks.
Why do you think it has a leak? It created several large arrays, filled them up, then started ignoring ticks. It's still running and using the arrays.

can u explain please what is the value of size? & where is this var initialize

size is initialized as an external int for the size of a string. strings of size n has characters at positions 0 through n-1.

extern int size = 3;//This is above init()
Why do you think it has a leak? It created several large arrays, filled them up, then started ignoring ticks. It's still running and using the arrays.

I think there is a leak because it freezes my mt4 and when I use ctrl alt delete and look at my terminal process, the CPU usage increases to 100%.

I am technically collecting data so my intentions is not to make it like a real indicator to keep waiting for ticks. I just want to collect data for all the bars on the chart except the current.

it works if I set i = 20; sometime i = 1000; and freezes on numbers greater.

thanks for your assistance


why does my code cause a memory leak. I coded it such that it will run the indicator on all the bars and then stop accepting future ticks.

The first two lines show an obvious problem ...

 i = Bars;
 Print("Year: "+TimeYear(Time[i])+" Month: "+TimeMonth(Time[i])+" Day: "+TimeDay(Time[i])+"Hour: "+TimeMonth(Time[i]));

The are


bars on the chart. You are only allowed to index arrays up to Bars-1 because the first bar is Time[0] for example.

You are over-running the length of the arrays and this can crash the program.


The first two lines show an obvious problem ...

The are


bars on the chart. You are only allowed to index arrays up to Bars-1 because the first bar is Time[0] for example.

You are over-running the length of the arrays and this can crash the program.

Here is the rest of the code from the while loop on down. If I comment the while loop there is no freezing so I assume the problem lies within the while loop.

i = Bars-1;
    Print("Year: "+TimeYear(Time[i])+" Month: "+TimeMonth(Time[i])+" Day: "+TimeDay(Time[i])+"Hour: "+TimeMonth(Time[i]));
     while(i > 0)
       string match = List[0];
       m = 0;
       for(j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--)
         if( (Close[i+j+1] - Open[i+j+1]) > 0)match = StringSetChar(match, m,'u');
         else match = StringSetChar(match, m,'d');
         //Print("Time of Hour "+TimeHour(Time[i+j]));for debugging
      // Print("pattern found is "+match+" at hour " +TimeHour(Time[i]) );//for debugging
       for(j = 0; j < ArraySize(List); j++)
         if(List[j] == match)
           // Print("The minute and hour of this Hourly is "+TimeMinute(Time[i])+" and "+TimeHour(Time[i]) );
           // Print("The minute and hour of this Minute is "+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60))))+" and "+TimeHour(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,i*60)))) );
            m = (i+1)*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,(i+1)*60));
           // Print("Time of m is hour: "+TimeHour(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1))+" min: "+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1)));
           // Print("closing price is "+iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m+1));
               if(iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) )
                  if((iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)>= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3))&&(iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)> (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3)))
                     //Print("broke up at "+iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
                  else if((iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3))&&(iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)< (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3)))
                   //Print("broke dn at "+iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
               else if(iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) >= iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m))
                   if((iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m) <= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3))&&(iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)< (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3)))
                   //Print("broke dn at "+iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
                  else if((iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)>= (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) + UsePoint*3))&&(iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m)> (iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,k) - UsePoint*3)))
                     //Print("broke up at "+iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,m));
     Print("i is: "+i);
        for(j = 0; j<ArraySize(List); j++)
            if(Frequency[j] > 0)
              Print("Pattern "+List[j]+" happened "+Frequency[j]+"times and bup "+ListData[j][1]+" a bdn "+ListData[j][0]);
        Print("Frequency list");
        for(i = 0; i < ArraySize(Frequency); i++)
          Print("the string / Frequency / bup / bdn: "+List[i]+" and "+Frequency[i]+" / "+ListData[i][1]+" / "+ListData[i][0]);
        for(i = 0; i < ArraySize(Frequency); i++)
            double currentMax = Frequency[i];
            string currentString = List[i];
            int currentBDN = ListData[i][0];
            int currentBUP = ListData[i][1];
            int currentMaxIndex = i;
            for(j = i +1; j < ArraySize(Frequency); j++)//Find Max or next max in the list
               if(currentMax < Frequency[j])
                 currentMaxIndex = j;
                 currentMax = Frequency[j];
                 currentString = List[j];
                 currentBDN = ListData[j][0];
                 currentBUP = ListData[j][1];
            if(currentMaxIndex != i)
               Frequency[currentMaxIndex] = Frequency[i];
               Frequency[i] = currentMax;
               List[currentMaxIndex] = List[i];
               List[i] = currentString;
               ListData[currentMaxIndex][0] = ListData[i][0];
               ListData[currentMaxIndex][1] = ListData[i][1];
               ListData[i][0] = currentBDN;
               ListData[i][1] = currentBUP;
         Print("descending sorted Frequency list");
         for(i = 0; i < ArraySize(Frequency); i++)
          Print("the string / Frequency / bup / bdn: "+List[i]+" and "+Frequency[i]+" / "+ListData[i][1]+" / "+ListData[i][0]);
       /* Print("pattern  Frequency  Prob_up  Prob_dn");
        for(i = 0; i <ArraySize(Frequency); i++)
          if(Frequency[i] != 0)
          double bldu = ListData[i][1];
          double bldd = ListData[i][0];
          double  f = Frequency[i];
          double bup = (bldu/f);
          double bdn = (bldd/f);
          Print("Frequency: "+Frequency[i]+" ListData[i][1]: "+ListData[i][1]+" ListData[i][0]"+ListData[i][1]);
          Print(""+List[i]+"  "+Frequency[i]+"  "+bup+"  "+bdn);
       // int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
       // i=Bars;
       // Print("Bars: "+Bars+" IndicatorCounted(): "+counted_bars);
     // if(counted_bars>i) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
 finished = true;

Here is the rest of the code from the while loop on down. If I comment the while loop there is no freezing so I assume the problem lies within the while loop.

Have you ruled out the fact that it just simply seems to be performing a very large number of calculations?

Let's say that the value of Bars is something like 60,000. The inner loop "while (m > 0)" is going to get executed lots of times, because the statement "m = (i+1)*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,(i+1)*60))" is going to assign a value around 3,600,000 to m if Bars is 60,000. On the next i loop, when i is decremented to 59,999, then the m loop is going to get executed another few million times. Therefore, if there is a five-figure number of bars on the chart, then the contents of the "while (m > 0)" loop are going to be executed billions of times in total.
Have you ruled out the fact that it just simply seems to be performing a very large number of calculations?

Let's say that the value of Bars is something like 60,000. The inner loop "while (m > 0)" is going to get executed lots of times, because the statement "m = (i+1)*60+TimeMinute(iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_M1,(i+1)*60))" is going to assign a value around 3,600,000 to m if Bars is 60,000. On the next i loop, when i is decremented to 59,999, then the m loop is going to get executed another few million times. Therefore, if there is a five-figure number of bars on the chart, then the contents of the "while (m > 0)" loop are going to be executed billions of times in total.

Honestly I did not think that would be a problem because that big number is actually the index of the exact time for that particular hour. For instance if I am evaluating 10:00 on my server time, I want to see how far price moves by the minute so I find 10:00 for that particular date in the minute timeframe. what is max. It actually did work for i = 30000 but now it does not work for i = 9000.

Honestly I did not think that would be a problem because that big number is actually the index of the exact time for that particular hour. For instance if I am evaluating 10:00 on my server time, I want to see how far price moves by the minute so I find 10:00 for that particular date in the minute timeframe. what is max. It actually did work for i = 30000 but now it does not work for i = 9000.
You're right. I was overlooking the break statements.