Parsing 2 Dimensional Double Data to Arrays


Hello Everybody,

i've got a big problem here. I'm trying to parse data into an array that is dynamic into two dimensions. I figuerd out that in mql4 it is only possible to resize the first dimension of an array. How can i make the second dimension dynamic as well? It really is important for my code!

Thank you for any help!

Thank you, i've already got that while searching ... i thought there would be a reasonable way, however, is there an example how to use this lib without having to understand all of the code?
however, is there an example how to use this lib without having to understand all of the code?
I've no idea . . . but why would you not want to understand all of the code ?

Because i've already written a workaround where i store the second dimension in formatted strings, i consider it faster for dynamic two dimensional arrays ...

I've read through the matrix processing code but i don't get how to set up the matrixes in the input data ... is matrix 1 and 2 the second and third dimension of the simulated array?