MTF - HA (nrp)

Hi community,

I have this nice non-repainting indicator (coded by mcs "THANKS!") and have edited with my wishes. Everything works fine besides that I can't set all TF the same. For example 60/60/60. The first bar is always the current TF. Can someone help?

Thank you

If you want them all the same, don't use a MTF version. Use the original. Otherwise you'll need to modify the indicator.

No Slaves here, learn to code or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you.

Hi WHRoeder,

if you read my post again you will not find any question like "who can code for me?". I asked "who can help?". Big difference!

Also I wrote "...edited with my wishes", so I'm learning right now.

No slaves here, yes sure!

[quote]We are willing to HELP you[/quote]

This is great! Actually your post was no help, thank you anyway.



Hi WHRoeder,

if you read my post again you will not find any question like "who can code for me?". I asked "who can help?". Big difference!

You request reads like . . "who can help . . . . fix this code for me" . . rather than "who can help me fix this code"
different people are talented in different areas. left brain / right. No point in being selfish or indignant towards someone because they can't code. We're all trying to make pips. Just mho
Hey a post from 5 years ago, hahaha. Regards.
brando2016: . No point in being selfish or indignant towards someone because they can't code
  1. It is not because "they can't code," it is because they want a slave to do it for them. A child asks an adult to fix things for them because they can't themselves. An adult doesn't pan handle.
  2. This post was 2011. In 2017 nothing has changed. See this post.
  3. learn to code it, or pay (Freelance) someone to code it.
    We're not going to code it for you.
    We are willing to help you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.