get the current price?



please call me dumb, however i can't find how to get the current price that is also presented by the horizontal bar in the chart.

In MarketInfo(); i can only find ask and bid price.

They only way i consider atm is reading out the actual closing value of the first bar ... however is there no better way like a predefined variable f.i.???

THX for your help!



please call me dumb, however i can't find how to get the current price that is also presented by the horizontal bar in the chart.

That is the Bid price . . . you can also have the Ask price and have 2 lines.

OK, thanks tried it an you are right ;-)

I discover a littel problem of basic understanding ... i thought the ask price is the price you get when you want to buy and the bid price is the price you get when you want to buy.

When i open the window to place an order i thouht that the upper blue value shown is the ask price where you buy and vice versa with the red lower price shown there ...

And those values are over/under the price shown in the chart window ...

The chart is "drawn" by the Bid price.
The chart is "drawn" by the Bid price.

OK, thx!

double Price=(Ask+Bid)/2;