Problem calling DLL on Windows Server 2003



I've coded a DLL which I tested successfully on two windows 7 pcs. Now whem I'm trying to use it on my VPS with Windows Server 2003 the commonly known error 127 appears. (I know that this error occurs if you forget the .def in the project. But that's not the case.) After this, I installed one MT4 in the "program files (x86)"-folder - but the problem stays the same.

So what can be the reason for this? Is there something different on WS 2003 compared to Win7 which can have this effect?

On the Internet I didn't find any answer or someone facing the same issue.

Thanks for your answers!


I've coded a DLL which I tested successfully on two windows 7 pcs. Now whem I'm trying to use it on my VPS with Windows Server 2003 the commonly known error 127 appears.

It is most probably a dependency issue: your DLL requires something such as MSVC runtime libraries which are not installed on your VPS.
If that's the case try or other search on "windows dll depends"

I already installed the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Redistributable Package (SP1). So this cannot be the problem. Is there the possibility that there are still some dlls missing or is something wrong with my dll?

The dependencywalker seems to be very useful tool. Thanks for the hint.