how to find the RVI crossing candle HIGH & LOW


how to find the RVI crossing candle HIGH & LOW ?

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Show your codes. What have you attempted so far?

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red

double g_ibuf_76[];
double g_ibuf_80[];
extern int FasterEMA = 5;
extern int SlowerEMA = 15;

int init() {
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW,5,5);
   SetIndexArrow(0, 233);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_76);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW,5,5);
   SetIndexArrow(1, 234);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_80);
   return (0);

int deinit() {
   return (0);

int start() {
   int li_8;
   double l_ima_12;
   double l_ima_20;
   double l_ima_28;
   double l_ima_36;
   double l_ima_44;
   double l_ima_52;
   double ld_60;
   double ld_68;
   int li_76 = IndicatorCounted();
   if (li_76 < 0) return (-1);
   if (li_76 > 0) li_76--;
   int li_0 = Bars - li_76;
   for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 <= li_0; li_4++) {
      li_8 = li_4;
      ld_60 = 0;
      ld_68 = 0;
      for (li_8 = li_4; li_8 <= li_4 + 9; li_8++) ld_68 += MathAbs(High[li_8] - Low[li_8]);
      ld_60 = ld_68 / 10.0;
      l_ima_12 = iRVI(NULL, 0, FasterEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);
      l_ima_28 = iRVI(NULL, 0, FasterEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);
      l_ima_44 = iRVI(NULL, 0, FasterEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);
      l_ima_20 = iRVI(NULL, 0, SlowerEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);
      l_ima_36 = iRVI(NULL, 0, SlowerEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);
      l_ima_52 = iRVI(NULL, 0, SlowerEMA,   PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);
      if (l_ima_12 > l_ima_20 && l_ima_28 < l_ima_36 && l_ima_44 > l_ima_52) 
      g_ibuf_76[li_4] = Low[li_4] - ld_60 / 2.0;
         if (l_ima_12 < l_ima_20 && l_ima_28 > l_ima_36 && l_ima_44 < l_ima_52) 
         g_ibuf_80[li_4] = High[li_4] + ld_60 / 2.0;
   return (0);
i dont know what to do further any hint ya idea will love to
Those are De-Compiled Code we cannot assist with that. We only help people who are learning how to code. You'll either have to find the time to learn to code or pay someone.
Those are De-Compiled Code we cannot assist with that. We only help people who are learning how to code. You'll either have to find the time to learn to code or pay someone.

at list give the hint what was idea for to find that high low off that candle i am now asking for code ?


De-Compiled code. Either you are a THIEF, or the receiver of stolen intellectual property. No one should help you.

Your question is too similar to your previous one already answered: how to get when was the last time price/bar touched an indicator - MQL4 forum You should already know how if you had bothered to learn


De-Compiled code. Either you are a THIEF, or the receiver of stolen intellectual property. No one should help you.

Your question is too similar to your previous one already answered: how to get when was the last time price/bar touched an indicator - MQL4 forum You should already know how if you had bothered to learn


i know that it was De-Compiled code. and i was buyid that indicator for 15$ from one website

then how was i am THIEF ?

and that means it was decomplied we can't use that ya modified it ?

#property copyright"" .........""

#property link "" ............""

meas can't we modifed it it was illegal ? or what



i know that it was De-Compiled code. and i was buyid that indicator for 15$ from one website

then how was i am THIEF ?

You purchased a license to use the compiled code, you didn't buy access to the source code . . . go to the website where you paid your $15 and ask them for the source code . . . then come back here and tell us what they said . .

Just because you paid for it, changes NOTHING. So you didn't decompiled it, ok you aren't a thief. They decompiled it and you KNOWINGLY bought decompiled code. YOU are a FENCE buying stolen property.

Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.


Just because you paid for it, changes NOTHING. So you didn't decompiled it, ok you aren't a thief. They decompiled it and you KNOWINGLY bought decompiled code. YOU are a FENCE buying stolen property.

Please do not feed the troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

to WHRoeder:

1 compiled code & source code measn .ex4 and .mql4 may i right?

when i was buyed i was requested to them .ex4 and .mql4 file both file

then they was mailed me the source code ok that means i own it na ?

till i was mailed them to can i change the source code as per my need and is it legal to change code ?

wating for reply off them

as soon as i get i will post here

2 is that mens any one post the in source code

#property copyright "Copyright 2010, XXXXXX"
#property link ""

mens that they have got the Copyright as per law is they did registration as per law ? (

actullay they did the all process

ya just they right property copyright&property link ?


and it possible that 2 person in the word have the some trading/coding idea ?

if they both have same code then what comes to copyright /property l ?

i don't know above knowledge so asking here?


Yes, they have the copyrights to their codes. If you paid for an indicator and the service didn't bother to give you the source code....IMO thats just wrong. Why buy a EX4 file then purchase a De-Complier to get the source code of what you just purchase?

The best way to get around all this is to learn to code yourself. At least thats the conclusion I came to. Otherwise, whenever you want to change the color of your indicator, you'll have to ask someone on this forum to do it for you. Whenever you need different timeframe on the same chart, you'll have to ask someone on this forum to do it for you. And so on....

If this forum was about doing custom "please add this or that for me" no-one who support this forum would have any time for themselves. I'd never learn to code if I could make a request here and someone full-filled that request.