Problem with custom indicator


I am a real new programmer here and i have a custom indicator called Welch Bollinger Band (attached) i am trying to add it to a basic EA but am having no luck.

On a website it was said i could use this code for the EA but just cant seem to get it to work. I have attached a very basic EA i am trying to employ the logic below to.


* int areWeRanging(int period=0)
* Returns 1 for GREEN (ranging)
* Returns -1 for YELLOW ( start/end of range)
* Returns 0 otherwise (no range)

int areWeRanging(int period=0) 
 double WelchBBWidth_Green = iCustom(NULL, 0, "WelchBBWidth", 20, 0, 2.0, 20, "x", 100, "x", false, 0, period);
 double WelchBBWidth_Yellow = iCustom(NULL, 0, "WelchBBWidth", 20, 0, 2.0, 20, "x", 100, "x", false, 1, period);

 if ( WelchBBWidth_Green > 0 ) 
   return (1);
 else if ( WelchBBWidth_Yellow > 0) 
   return (-1);

 return (0);

// Check to see if we are coming out of a range. 
// This tells us that the LAST candle was still in a range,
// but the current candle is now breaking free of the range.
if ( areWeRanging(1)==1 && (areWeRanging(0)==-1 || areWeRanging(0)==0) ) 
Print("We were ranging, but have now broken out of the range! Make a trade if other indicators confirm the breakout!"); 

Here is the indicator

Here is the EA i was trying to add the logic to, thanks everyone

I am a real new programmer here and i have a custom indicator called Welch Bollinger Band (attached) i am trying to add it to a basic EA but am having no luck.

What problems are you having ?
Hi Raptor I'm trying to incorporate the logic above for the custom Indicator into the attached basic shell EA.
Hi Raptor I'm trying to incorporate the logic above for the custom Indicator into the attached basic shell EA.
Yeah I know that . . . what have you tried ? what doesn't work ?
Hi I have tried to add the code above which I believe assigns a value to the indicator then add in a statement like if ( areWeRanging(1)==1 &&(areWeRanging(0)==-1 || areWeRanging(0)==0) ) Order = SIGNAL_BUY; I get function errors though maybe I am adding it to the wrong area. I have not used a custom I indicator or function before.
I get function errors
No mind readers here - what is a function error? EXACTLY.