Do you trade with non-standard strategies ?


I wonder if anyone other than me also apply non-standard strategies for trading.

 Non-standard: I mean it is not indicator based, not chart pattern based, not trend-prediction based , ...


I wonder if anyone other than me also apply non-standard strategies for trading.

 Non-standard: I mean it is not indicator based, not chart pattern based, not trend-prediction based , ...

Of course . . .
meaning a kind of telepathy???

I wonder if anyone other than me also apply non-standard strategies for trading.

 Non-standard: I mean it is not indicator based, not chart pattern based, not trend-prediction based , ...

I trade using moon phases and four leaf clovers.
meaning a kind of telepathy???
Maybe price action or Fibs . . 
meaning a kind of telepathy???

Below is an example of non-standard strategy:

- Buy 1 unit, if the price continues to go down, buy 2, 3, ... units for every equal distance.

- If the price reverse to go up and break even, either to take the profitable orders (total orders < n) or Stop all orders (total orders >n)

vice versa for Sell

It's just an ex to figure out what is a non-strategy is, don't spend time to discuss or evaluate this strategy.


Fibo is not really non-standard, it is, in fact, trend-prediction



Fibo is not really non-standard, it is, in fact, trend-prediction

It depends on how you use a Fib tool . . . there are many ways.

I wonder if anyone other than me also apply non-standard strategies for trading.

 Non-standard: I mean it is not indicator based, not chart pattern based, not trend-prediction based , ...

Yes, absolutely. If technical analysis is a pseudoscience, the answer is categorical. Of course.