How to display and indicator on the chart window?


How to display and indicator on the chart window? I've tried changing the respective property but it erased the graph and kept the indicator window.

Thank you,



Use . . .

#property indicator_chart_window

then recompile and add the Indicator to the Chart again.


Use . . .

then recompile and add the Indicator to the Chart again.

As I mentioned above and in the code I attached, I have already done that. And if I take it off the chart it and drop it back on it, it plots no line on the chart! I think there must be another parameter to adjust for this property to work.

As I mentioned above and in the code I attached, I have already done that. And if I take it off the chart it and drop it back on it, it plots no line on the chart! I think there must be another parameter to adjust for this property to work.

Not as far as I know there isn't.

When your Indicator is shown in a separate window what is it's typical value range ? Then think what those values look like on the main chart window . . . .

You've got it. Thank you.