need help with no sound

i have the wierdest problem.. i have no sound for alerts for my Oanda MT4 platform. I do have sound with another MT4 platform. I have called Oanda and they have no solution. I have enabled sounds under tools/options/events, and have also tried a test of sound in the alert tab in the terminal where you right click and click on create. Again, no sound. Any ideas? I have reinstalled the program 3 times now, from different downloads of the install program. Between installs I uninstalled the previous version, did a search for any Oanda files and deleted them, and also shutdown the computer between installs.
options -> events -> enable = checked?
options -> events -> enable = checked?


Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7

its installed in program files (x)86 on widows 7

where do I install it? (my other mt4 is installed there, no problem with sound.) When I did the install i diligently removed the other mt4 folder to an external harddrive.

u can copy the entire folder to wherever you want no need an installation
u can copy the entire folder to wherever you want no need an installation

Thanks for you help....I don't quite get what you are suggesting.. you are saying I should copy my Oanda meatrader folder to a different location and delete it from program files (86) ? And if so, where do I copy it to?

ANYWHERE ELSE. IBFX defaults to c:\IBFX...

Don't need to copy and delete, just move it. You'll also have to modify any short cuts to point to the new location like those in startup and desktop.

Or just reinstall and delete the original folders.


are you saying that it is best never to install MetaTrader to program files in windows 7.. or just in my case since I can't get this one to work?

which opens up other questions.. is the problem installing more than one metatrader to program files? Like should I install one there and one somewhere else...

Did you check to see if the sounds actually exist in the directory structure for your Oanda platform ? they should be in root_of_Oanada_MT4 /sounds

1. are you saying that it is best never to install MetaTrader to program files in windows 7.. or just in my case since I can't get this one to work?

2. which opens up other questions.. is the problem installing more than one metatrader to program files? Like should I install one there and one somewhere else...

1. correct, it's an UAC issue that some people have

2. no as long as they are in different directories within Program Files (x86) they are OK . . . UAC issues permitting