Text in the mql4 tutorial files from the 'BOOK' display giberish when viewed or edited in MetaEditor


Is there a font that I must download for the text to be legible in plane English. Otherwise what could the problem be? Any suggestions?

// onelevel.mq4
// Ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ â êà÷åñòâå ïðèìåðà â ó÷åáíèêå MQL4.
int start() // Ñïåö. ôóíêöèÿ start
Level, // Ñèãíàëüíûé óðîâåíü
Price; // Òåêóùàÿ öåíà
Level=1.2753; // Çàäà¸ì óðîâåíü
Price=Bid; // Çàïðàøèâàåì öåíó
if (Price>Level) // Îïåðàòîð if ñ óñëîâèåì
Alert("Êóðñ ïðåâûñèë çàäàííûé óðîâåíü");// Ñîîáùåíèå òðåéäåðó
return; // Âûõîä èç start()

onelevel.mq4  2 kb
I guess that the comments are in Russian (Cyrillic font).