Can NEVER find any NEW private messages that I get. - page 2


Доброго времени суток уважаемые форумчане!

Меня зовут Герман, мне 23 года, я являюсь трейдером компании "Инстафорекс"

Помогите в поиске нужного скрипта! Скрипт нужен для сетки отложенных ордеров.


Its probably because it says you have a new private message, when there really is not a new message, if the recipient of a private message you previously sent, deleted the message from his inbox, there will be a notice in your copy of that message to inform you about that and because of this your screen says there is a new message.


Possible. Though I've received such messages in the past without any problem. But as I can't find it to see it, how can I tell?

Malware/SPAM on MQL4? I hope not.

I guess we'll just have to accept it. Like Tachyons, string theory, a 'Multiverse' (as opposed to our universe) and possibly dimensions higher than the 4 that we are all immediately aware of, their are things that we may never know!

Though I doubt that this mysterious 'non existent' message is anywhere near of the same importance nor interest. But like the proverbial scratch that one can't itch.....

If the author of this 'Mystery Message' is out there, please send us a 'sign' that we may Know and thus TRULY believe in 'MM' LoL (< 8)


Доброго времени суток уважаемые форумчане!

Меня зовут Герман, мне 23 года, я являюсь трейдером компании "Инстафорекс"

Помогите в поиске нужного скрипта! Скрипт нужен для сетки отложенных ордеров.

I'm afraid this is just 'Greek' to me. Maybe Russian? Ukrainian? I really can't tell.

Though I'll stick with my first guess as the answer to the riddle.

I wonder what the prize is?