Programming with Time[i-1] and i



I am writing an indicator:

First I've tried


lastlowpos = i-1;

ObjectCreate(...,Time[lastlospos], High[lastlospos]); //=working with i

.... and it work's great in the backtest but not in the livetest

Now I wanted to convert my indicator to use the Time[]-funktion, that mean's working with the bars back to 1970.


lastlowpos = Time[i-1];

ObjectCreate(...,lastlowpos, High[?????]);


How can I get the High-Level from a from "Time[i-1]". That means how can I convert a specific Time into the actual i??

I hope, you can understand my question.

Lot's of thanks, sunshineh


How can I get the High-Level from a from "Time[i-1]". That means how can I convert a specific Time into the actual i??

This ?
Time[i-1] is a future time compared to Time[i] don't you mean Time[i+1]