automatically run a function from include file


Is there any way to have a function in an include file automatically run without having to explicitly calling the function?

I tried calling the function from the Define section (what is that section called?), but got a warning when I compiled, and I assumed that it did not run.

An include file is the same as pasting the code into your EA at that point. Uncalled code is never called.
An include file is the same as pasting the code into your EA at that point. Uncalled code is never called.

I realize that, but sometimes someone figures out a clever way to accomplish things that no one else thought of. I have done it a time or two myself.

One example is multi colored lines. Originally someone said "you can't change the color of part of a line", but then someone figured out that you could superimpose one line on top of the other and leave gaps in each so it appears to be multi colored.