trailing stop issue - page 2


the image is so much like me! but the post is not like you.


Some advice for WHRoeder

Hey guys

just get over it i have

i may misunderstood rhoeder's intention

and i am very new to this and just didnt know i could even use the source button

so forget it

as for the code it has an inherent fault anyway and i need to get my first parts right and more suitable to to add trailing stop code to

i was of the opinion that i could just patch several different pieces of code together but some type of code just wont work with others

So i am learning

regards to all

for even bothering to continue this thread


So i am learning

That's good to hear :-)

put the OrderStopLoss() under the orderselect function, otherwise the 'newsl' will always be the same, for all orders.

Hoped this helped you some. (haven't checked or compiled anything)

Ohh and WHRoeder might seem harsh some times, I have got some remarks too, but I think he's a really good and helpful fellow.

He helps more people here than anyone i have seen and beein' here sometime i have noticed many *stupid* questinons that can easely be answered by searching, I too have felt fustrated when same questions appear 2 to 3 times a week.

thankyou for this post

i never even thought about putting under orderslect i willgive it a try

and yes "I think WHRoeder is fine but probaly just not realizing that some of us are trying very hard even if we seem like complete idiots



and yes "I think WHRoeder is fine but probaly just not realizing that some of us are trying very hard even if we seem like complete idiots

The problem is there are too many complete idiots posting that aren't trying at ALL