wish to trade only spicific time of day


Hi I'm trying learn how to code this. There is time() and Istradealoud().

Here are my thoughs. Please help.


if( time()==12:00 )

{ IsTradeAloud="true" }

if( IsTradeAloud=="true" )


Trade Logic


I think you misunderstand IsTradeAllowed have a read here: https://docs.mql4.com/check/IsTradeAllowed

You can't set it, you read it and it tells you if trading is allowed . . .

bool MyEAIsAllowedToTrade;

MyEAIsAllowedToTrade = IsTradeAllowed();

if (MyEAIsAllowedToTrade) Print("Yipee, my EA is allowed to trade . . .");

There is no Time() function . . . (check here: https://docs.mql4.com/dateandtime )



if( time()==12:00 ){ IsTradeAloud="true" }
if( IsTradeAloud=="true" ){
   // Trade Logic
  1. Use SRC for code
  2. datetime now = Time[0];
    int      tod = now % 86400; // Time of day
    datetime bod = now - tod;   // Beginning of the day
    #define  HR1200 43200       // 12 * 3600
    bool     isTimeToOpen = (tod == HR1200);
       // Trade Logic
    Good on TFs H1 and lower.
  3. If you want to trade a specific range of times (and days) use my code.

  4. Don't use IsTradeAloud as it's too close to IsTradeAllowed which has a completely different meaning.

  5. You would never say "if ( (var > 0) == true)." You would only say "if (var > 0)." "if (bool == true)" is redundant, just use if (bool)

Basically the time between (4:00 to 12:00) mon-fri metatrader chart time

is what i need using the 4hr bar.

#define HR4 14400 // is this how to use the 4hr bar (4*3600)

now =Time[0], // is this in secs

bod=now % 86400; // not sure is the present time of day a % of 86400 secs

I look at your code and im not sure where to set the desired time and date .



You didn't mention anything about 04:00 in your original post . . . follow WHRoeder's point 3, it will give you what you need.

To answer your questions . . .

  • times and dates in MT4 are always in seconds and are the number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970 see: https://docs.mql4.com/dateandtime
  • now is the open time of the current bar on the chart, i.e. Time[0]
  • 86400 is the number of seconds in 24 hours, take the now time, divide it by the number of seconds in a day take the remainder and that gives the number of seconds since midnight. ( % gives the remainder not a percentage)
  • the desired time of day is set at the #define 12 hours * 60 mins * 60 secs = 43200 HR = hour, 1200 = 12:00

when anyone gives you some code to use you always need to read it, understand it . . before you use it . . . it might be wrong or it may just not do what you wanted. This especially applies to any code I post . . . ;-)

PS. I suspect this code does have an error . . . I think bod is already what tod is meant to be . . .

now is date+time (a datetime,) bod is date+0000 hours (midnight, a datetime) same thing you would get from iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0), tod is seconds from midnight (an int.)

Isn't bod the number of seconds between the start of the current 0 bar and last midnight ? i.e. not a datetime ?

To get midnight shouldn't you have done this ?

bod = now - (now % 86400); // Beginning of the day

I ran your code and got this (server time is local + 1 hr so 15:00 candle) :

2011.08.22 14:30:27 tradeat12 EURCAD,H1: now= 1314025200 bod = now % 86400 = 54000 tod = now - bod = 1313971200


Early in the morning, coffee hadn't kicked in and then I go post the same error 5 different places. :( Of course, (now % 86400) is seconds since midnight.

I use to say I could write that type of code in my sleep. Apparently not.

Early in the morning, coffee hadn't kicked in. Of course, (now % 86400) is seconds since midnight.

I have a time advantage over you, it's afternoon here :-) had plenty of coffee already ;-)

Thanks for the confirmation, reading and understanding you code has helped me lots, thank you for sharing.


I don't know the code; a little vague for me. I hope you could ran it well. I am just a newbie here; hope I could have a positive feedback from you.

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I am a scumbag SPAMMER . . . . please delete my post so that it no longer pollutes this thread . . .

Glad you have seen the light, now go away . . .

I don't know the code; a little vague for me. I hope you could ran it well. I am just a newbie here; hope I could have a positive feedback from you.

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