Does EA reload custom indicator at every start() ?


When an EA uses a custom indicator does it load the indicator into the terminal one time then access it from there to get the latest values, or does it have to reload the indicator to get the latest value at every iteration of start() ?

Reason I ask I have a custom indicator that is a little on the slow side to load so if the EA has to keep reloading it I will limit the indicator history significanlty more than I would for manual usage.


Yes. unless u disclude it with an if statement.

When an EA uses a custom indicator does it load the indicator into the terminal one time then access it from there to get the latest values, or does it have to reload the indicator to get the latest value at every iteration of start() ?

Loaded once per combination of externals, e.g. iMA(10) and iMA(20) will load two indicators.

Using the optimizer they get unloaded after each pass (v 300+)


hmmm ok thanks guys but what if the indicator is not referenced by an external ?

My customer indicator has no user parameters except color so in an EA I would call it in the code so it might be something like

if((iCustom(NULL, 0, "myindicator", 0, i) > iCustom(NULL, 0, "myindicator" 1 i+1)) do something;
would this cause that indicator to get reloaded at every iteration of start()?

hmmm ok thanks guys but what if the indicator is not referenced by an external ?

My customer indicator has no user parameters except color so in an EA I would call it in the code so it might be something like

iCustom(NULL, 0, "myindicator", 0, i)

Invalid call. You MUST include ALL external parameters.
iCustom(NULL, 0, "myindicator", RED, 0, i)

Yeah sorry WHR I wasnt clear in my last post, there are no externs in my custom indicator, when I said the only user parameters are colors I meant user changable colors as #property indicator_color1 etc that appear in the colors tab of the properties box