Transfer MT4 Platform data from One Computer to Another. - page 2


C:/Program Files is protected by windows UAC. If you modify/create files within a program, they are not stored in the program folder, but a virtual one, created by windows. (I don't remember the actual location, but i assume somewhere in the user directory.)

Windows UAC supervises only a few directorys, different drives, or even the root folder C:/ are not protected and so you won't have any issues.

It could also be that on your PC the files you want are already stored in that virtual folder-

Hi zzuegg,

Many thanks for your information. I did follow above "RaptorUK" link, read it and it was very educational.

I have just moved the Oanda-MetaTrader folder from Program Files to direct under C:/ drive.

The big isue for me now ( as you can see, I am not a wizz kid in computers), where did my short-cut button to start the platform go?

How can I fish-out the desktop short cut button from the folder.

Again, many thanks for your assistance.


You can re-create the shortcut . . . right click the desktop, click new, select Shortcut, Browse to the diectroy where you copied MT4 and find terminal.exe . . . . or

open the directory where you copied MT4, find terminal.exe, drag it to your Desktop while holding the Ctrl and Shift keys . . . then let go and you will have a shortcut.

Hi RaptorUK,

Done OK...but my platform still going back to old, day 1 download version, with no saved curency pair templates.

I guess I'll have to kill few hours and re-do the whole lot, all over again....!!

Sometimes life is a bitch...




what the info omits is that you have to make sure in advanced folder permissions that 'include inheritable permissions from this object's parent' is unchecked and 'replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object' checked.