new in mt4 help me with this simple question


I have this simple script that print the tick ask rate in the expert window

in start(){

double r=MarketInfo("EURUSD", MODE_ASk);



r=MarketInfo("EURUSD", MODE_ASK);




1. How to prevent loging the data into ../experts/logs/ date.txt file, this file gets really big for obvios reasons?

2. I have a dll function that prints in the stdout (console). I would like to print the ask tick price in the console or a file instead of in the experts window in mt4 ? I want to analize the tick rates with other tools I have, it is ok if the file is huge.

thnks in advance


  1. void Print(...) Prints a message to the experts log.
  2. you could use Comment instead

Get rid of the for loop and just print and return. Nothing will be changing until start() is called again.

thnk you guys.

Start() executes any ttime or just when the tick rate changes?
