Picture Saving problem :(


Hi guys.

I have payed for this code but it didn't work good and the coder don't answer to my mails :( I was looking for indicator that will save whole chart also with indicators after candle open. But after I have received this code it is saving only price chart window and another indicator windows are blank :(

Please can anybody help me where can be error?

here is the code

void MakeScreenShot(){
static int no=0;
string fn = "SnapShot ADX Alert "+Symbol()+Period()+"\\"+Year()+"-"+al0(Month(),2)+"-"+al0(Day(),2)+" "+
al0(Hour(),2)+"_"+al0(Minute(),2)+"_"+al0(Seconds(),2)+" "+no+".gif";
if(!ScreenShot(fn,1024,768)) Print("ScreenShot error: ", GetLastError());



Thanks a lot for this link.

But this will mean that I can't use snapshot function in my indicator when I want have correct all chart picture? Correct?



Thanks a lot for this link.

But this will mean that I can't use snapshot function in my indicator when I want have correct all chart picture? Correct?


You might be able to but you need to call that function after the indicators have been drawn not before . . .

OK. I will then put this code to the end of the indicator code. It will be great if I will fix it because it is useless right now :( and it was not cheap.

and thanks for help!


OK. I will then put this code to the end of the indicator code. It will be great if I will fix it because it is useless right now :( and it was not cheap.

and thanks for help!

Not the code . . . . just the call . . .



Many thanks I will try it. Hope that it will help.