Can anyone suggest a cheap VPS provider? - page 2


...Personally, I'd want several stiff drinks before using anything Virtuozzo-based again...

Hey JJC. Glad to see you still frequent the forum. You must be like a forex-guru by now :). I know..., not the best thread to make concessions but I'm not gonna start a new thread to say wassup ;). Speaking of stiff drinks, I'm getting my 4th of July started early (I need to put this heineken back in the frig and grab a new one).

Yep, you're right on all points.

So... do you have an EA(s) running on vps(s)? Do you have a website? Are you an account manager or project programmer? Full time trader? Whats your conclusion on forex thus far?


It's not that easy a question to answer. You tend to get what you pay for.

The first distinction is between a true VPS versus the pseudo-VPS offerings .........................

MAN, you nailed it.

//there is no stupid questions, there are stupid answers//


//there is no stupid questions, there are stupid answers//

Not true at all. Once you will be longer around this forum and try to help other people you will notice soon that about 80% off all thread would be solved if the poster once used a search engine. When i joined this forum i also tought some of the answers where a bit disrespectful. But now, after more than a year as a fairly regular contributor here i understand why. Most People come here, without using the search once, and ask:

  1. Can you make this for me?
  2. My EA does not work on 5 Digits broker?
  3. EA not opening orders on live accounts
  4. How can i use my custom indicator
  5. Can somebody add something to this (sometimes decompiled (stolen)) code
After reading the same questions everyday you get sick of it. WHR is surely one of the top contributors here, his coding knowledge is very good, he nearly always reads the posted codes and gives his correction advises. I know that the whole 'let me google that for you' thing is kind of offensive to somebody, but topics regarding VPS's is not the topic of this forum. Sure for professional EA usage a server is a good starting point, but it has nothing to do with mql programming.




//there is no stupid questions, there are stupid answers//

Oh, thank you sooo very much Zzuegg for that response. I almost bump the "please search b4 posting" thread after reading this mess of a thread about 24 hours ago. But because I was the last person to bump it, I didn't because I felt like I was double posting. No stupid question is something people say in Business ... along with things like the customer is always right. I'm not saying that this question was stupid but there is such a thing as a stupid question.

Here's another story from me to you. When I was new here, there was a guy called Gordon, every time people asked a question including me, he'd post a link to a topic which that question have been properly-discussed before. One day someone asked him, how do you keep track of all these topics and he responded by Searching. Then the light bulb went up in my head and I said F-it. Before I ask another question and have him give me a link, I'll search for the link my damm self.

If you notice in JJC response. He didn't answer the question as to recommending a cheap VPS. I don't know the OP background but to me asking a question like that is like asking "How can I became a Successful Trader in the Shortest time possible". You're just asking for allot of "it depend" type responses. Sure I don't like the language forexCoder used in his first response. But I don't like the response of the OP either. If I was him, I would have just waited til someone (which did happen) else came along with a recommendation.


Most People come here, without using the search once, and ask: [...]

Adding slightly to the irony, it's nearly two years since cloudbreaker and I independently posted lists like of this of common questions. (Mine at, his became the frequently-bumped

[...] but topics regarding VPS's is not the topic of this forum.

Personally, I think that it's legitimate to discuss VPS options in general on a forum such as this...

If you notice in JJC response. He didn't answer the question as to recommending a cheap VPS

...which is why I responded to the question without actually answering it. I don't actually think the original question can be answered. Asking "Can anyone suggest a cheap VPS provider? I need someone to run my EA ;)" is a like asking "Can anyone suggest a cheap car? I need to go places ;)".


So... do you have an EA(s) running on vps(s)? Do you have a website? Are you an account manager or project programmer? Full time trader? Whats your conclusion on forex thus far?

In order: yes; yes; neither; sort of; it's a long story.

//there is no stupid questions, there are stupid answers//

Perhaps not, but there is such a thing as a totally non specific question, and then an upset poster who gets a non specific answer.

On the subject of VPS . . I would say go colocation with your own server.


And I disagree about there not being stupid questions.

My professor of physics once said "When you ask a really educated (or smart) question you already know or have an idea of what the answer is. Only a truly ignorat person can ask a stupid question, but then his ignorance needs to be filled with knowledge before the question can be answered. But when that person becomes knowledgable (in that area) that question doesnt need answering anymore and can thus be considered as stupid."

To make an example: a person wants to know what's the square root of four, but doesnt know what square root is. Once he knows what it is, he knows the answer to his question and the question serves no purpose anymore - thus it was stupid question.

Ah well.

What I like about this thread though is the torrent of different ideas it inspired. Was looking forward to it :)

You should look for a cheap dedicated server instead. >
Can anyone suggest a cheap VPS provider? I need someone to run my EA ;)
I would Suggest you XXXXXXXXXXXX is best Linux based VPS hosting provider. Shared Hosting from 2.63 /mo ...