Excess Printing - page 2


And that is exactly what you did. The code was decompiled from an executable, not given or sold to you from the author. You got it from someone else who stole it. Wither he gave it to you or sold it to you is irrelevant. Rationalize it all you want. YOU are an accomplice of a thief. No one should help you.

And since you continue to try to debate this, I now put you in the category of a troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

I gotta admit you've got me there. The couple of lines that I posted that had to do with a print statement are state TOP secrets and are giving away massive amounts of entire systems of very high top secret technology and now I'm on the lam for treason and the posse is riding me down swinging nooses wildly and screaming and howling like banshees as they ride like demons. Occasionally I get a clear glimpse of them and I can see you at the front leading the charge, salivating like crazy and foaming at the mouth like I don't know what???? But with the $50 bounty on my head that I paid for the EA in good faith, what else can I expect eh?


Geeze, talk about a 'Tempest in a Tea pot' and 'Much to do about Nothing' If I'm ever in the same position again, I'll be sure to put some real variable names in the example. i guess I was just naive in believing that people could keep it in perspective. Especially when forced to lay out all the facts in my defense, which apparently are totally irrelevant.

Talk a hole package of laxatives and GET A LIFE!!!

WAY to much has been said about everything but the bell constantly gonging with the print statement, even when it shouldn't be printing to the journal at all. Which is what this is SUPPOSED to be about.

Can we PLEASE move onto somethings constructive now?


If it is any consolation to you, I also bought and paid for the Xtreem and the Plus versions. None of them are profitable.

I guess I got what I deserve eh?

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.
When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.
Just what kind of a world would it be without at least some Trolls WH? Every living organism has it's place in the scheme of things, as well as what we normally consider to be inert for that matter (pun intended) as well, otherwise their wouldn't be any Living things at all. Mother Nature fills any and all openings and niches with Life, but is indifferent to it. Considering that the biosphere and the entire food chain are in catastrophic cascade collapse and that

2/3 of the species on our planet will be extinct by the end of THIS Century: including (al)most (all?) of humanity!!!

I say: Protect the Trolls and feed them! But watch your fingers when you do! (< 8)


Dude shut up. You got your help and there's no reason for your trolling. Measure the size of your pride elsewhere.

Nothing like a little levity to bring some perspective to things....

You got it from someone else who stole it.

I have no idea if the outfit I bought it from are the authors / owners or not, I have some suspicions, but that is all.

I paid the vendor for all 3 of them just like I have many other ForEx EAs. I din't suspect them of being stolen when I bought them. How would I know? how would you know? So what should I do if I want products like this and pay for them? Stop buying them completely because a very small percentage of them may have been stolen? I'v paid my share for all of my commercial EAs just like I did with these 3.

FourX:Is a Thief and Troll
Just what kind of a world would it be without at least some Trolls
I have no idea if the outfit I bought it from are the authors
  1. Please do not feed the troll.
  2. Yes you do. If they were the authors they would not provide decompile code.
When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.


Does that look like decompiled code to anyone else - or am I just getting paranoid?


Yep it oblviously turned out to be so. As I said, i didn't even know enough about it to recognize it as such originally. Otherwise if I was going to post it in here, i wold of made it into 'real code'. Which really IS beside the point as it did turn out to be stolen, which I didn't realize until it came up here, then I should of immediately toasted it. Which I long since have. It is a real pain whenever anyone unknowingly receives any stolen goods as then if and when it comes out that it is stolen, as far as I know, (and it certainly applies to me in this instance) the honest people usually ends up getting shafted along with the parties that it was stolen from in the first place as generally no one get compensated for their loss due to criminal activity that they didn't perpetrate or willingly participate in it.

As it is very likely that everyone but me that has posted in this thread has very little experience in the atrocious retail ForEx marketplace. It is unlikely that you realize just HOW bad it is,which means that for the most part, the only ones tat are making any significant income from it are those stealing it )< 8( Which does NOT include me. I obviously made a mistake in trying to persist with it a bit after it was established that it was stolen. having paid for 3 packages in good conscious, I DID want to try and recoup some value out of it. Which is not he way it works in such things. No one likes getting shafted and that included me. But I did so I toasted it and took the loss on it.

Unfortunately being compiled is no guarantee that the software hasn't been pirated either. As it has obviously had what if any security measure's in it cracked as it is functioning. But unlike decompiled MQL4, one cannot tell by the atrocious naming conventions.

The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has determined that the average retail customer in this market gets bilked out of $15,000 worth of fraudulent retail products. This is completely separate from any loses that they may incur in the actual markets themselves.

The Retail ForEx market has the dubious distinction of having the highest return rate of any and all digital download products globally for a number of years )< 8) It would be nice if ForexCoders assertion that if one is vigilant that they can tell if the products are stolen or legit. But I fear that this is not the case. Having bought probably over 100 retail ForEx products and more likely closer to 200 (I’ve bought quite a few indicators as well) it is unfortunate that I have probably bought quite a number of other stolen ForEx retail products. But with the return rate noted above, most of them get returned as most of them ARE garbage and rip offs, including the ones that we not stolen from someone else; then the thieves don’t make anywhere near as much because they have to pay their ill gotten gains back. But unlike the software in question here which I could not get a refund for, I (A) got far more militant about returning useless software, which is almost all of it and which I did not initially do. (B) I wouldn’t buy any ForEx products from those without established credibility with me unless it came through ClickBank which has a 100% iron clad 60 day guarantee – no excuses accepted. So I only get it through that means and almost all of it goes back.

I recently cleaned out my 2 TB RAID 10 ForEx array. Deleted about 2/3 TB of useless junk and garbage. 2/3TB!!!

So much for the ‘State of the Retail ForEx products market report’ for you adept MQL programmers that likely never buy much of it. You’re not missing much and are far better off for it and I have finally pretty well got to the same (starting) place myself now. Alas very much later than sooner with the irretrievable loss of a number of (successful?) years in the ForEx Market.

Successful and Profitable Trading All - (< 8)

I’ve DEFINITELY learned my lesson about hacked MQL source code! If I would have been a little quicker on the uptake, it wouldn’t of been so traumatic for some.


And that is exactly what you did. The code was decompiled from an executable, not given or sold to you from the author. You got it from someone else who stole it. Wither he gave it to you or sold it to you is irrelevant. Rationalize it all you want. YOU are an accomplice of a thief. No one should help you.

And since you continue to try to debate this, I now put you in the category of a troll.

When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies.

Did you notice in here that even after forexCoder first gave me assistance with it, and I had found out that as it was decompiled and thus was very likely stolen, that I never pursed it further? I toasted it and the other 2 companion EAs that I bought with it all in good faith and took the loss on all of them. Or do the facts even matter to you? They had better! For YOUR sake!

  • I DIDN'T intentionally buy any stolen merchandise WHR and when I found out it was, I destroyed it! What more do you want? )< 8(
  • So drop it and stop insulting me and making false, defamatory, slanderous and therefore ILLEGAL comments, remarks and accusations about me!
  • If you persist in this then you will be the one knowingly and willing carrying out ongoing criminal activity here! Not ME!
  • If you don't want to help me, then fine. DON'T!
  • But STFU about me!