below is my (unfortunate experience)

As a trader, I am used to work with programmers specialized in MQ.4, I have never had any problem, nor a lack of communication with any of them, and if there was something to fix, it was done after my request.

I must say Technical Trading Systems (manager Phil Thomas) is the worst experience I never had and don’t wish to anyone.

I ordered 2 EA’s, extremely expensive 750 pounds-the exact same one cost me between $150 and $200 by other developers listed on your website.

Nothing M. Phil Thomas was true from the beginning to the end; I was supposed to receive both EA’s after 2 weeks, for reasons unfortunately becoming more and more fancy, I got only one EA after a month! This one was only an ex.4 version, I requested the MQ.4 for days, without any answer, making me send emails I have not planned to send, I received unprofessional answers, “insulting” me by accusing me of a lack of knowledge in technical language, refusing me to send what I paid for on my request, I will have eventually to wait for this, I should keep working with the other programmers I am used to! For days, weeks, in spite of my “desperate” emails where I have even asked for their phone number, I had no news ; as a “sample” of an email, I had a long one elaborating the policy of the firm telling me their phone number are for clients who have costly projects, which means the other ones have only one Right- to pay and to shut up, we don’t waste our time on the phone with them…obviously this was expressed on a different way but unfortunately meant this…

Due to their lack of professionalism, their voluntary latency and obnoxious way to treat their clients, I asked to be reimbursed for the 2nd. EA of 200 pounds which, surprisingly I received. I finally got the 1st EA almost a month and a half after the payment-it was supposed to be 2 weeks….As expected, it does not work at all, I sent a few emails to Mr. Phil Thomas about it with the log sheets of the Experts, explaining the problem, he could not even care less, he said it was working in their lab test, and there are some functions to switch in the code-he never told me which ones, I have to guess; I had to send 5-6 emails to get such an immature answer, he said he would send me the lab report as a proof the EA is working, it has been a week and nothing still…

Proving my complaint is easy, I can provide substantial proofs.

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.

1 thing i'd like to note though. If you didn't specify beforehand that you want the Mq4 file and not just the executable, I do not find anything wrong with the conduct of not supplying you with it. On another note, the 750pounds payment is massive enough to (maybe) warrant the source (depending on size and complexity of program).

May I jsut ask, what was you payment method? How did you pay?


As a trader, I am used to work with programmers specialized in MQ.4, I have never had any problem, nor a lack of communication with any of them, and if there was something to fix, it was done after my request.

And now the obvious questions.

1) If you have worked with programmerS (meaning many) who have never given you any problems, why the need to look for other programmers?

2) Why order expensive EA's when you can have the "exact same ones" for cheaper? Doesn't make sense, does it?

3) Could it be because the problem is you, and all those other programmers don't want to work with you?

Just asking basic obvious questions.


1) maybe because there are other projects that you need to code, not only mql4 and different people can offer different services.

2) really? show him where. Unconstructive post with no value beyond trolling.

3) Why are you picking on this guy? He had no personal grudge against you, yet you seem defensive. Are you the guy he's talking about?

This thread is quickly going south. Before this turns into a blah..blah...blah post. I just want to help calm the thread :). 1st> I think the original poster made his point, and there's no need to triple post this all over the forum. To him I say sorry, and thinks for letting us know. 2nd> However, we're only hearing one side of the story. The questions blogzr3 raised in 1) & 2) where the first things to come to my mind. 3) however makes an assertion but the op could have had valid reasons to use different programmers like forexCoder noted.

> and there's no need to triple post this all over the forum

because the Mods will disapprove of serial cross-posting - even if directly MQ4 related - which this topic isn't


Hi sean77, i have sent you a private message.

1) maybe because there are other projects that you need to code, not only mql4 and different people can offer different services.

2) really? show him where. Unconstructive post with no value beyond trolling.

3) Why are you picking on this guy? He had no personal grudge against you, yet you seem defensive. Are you the guy he's talking about?

1) He specifically only mentioned EA's and MQL4.

2) That's his statement in "quotes", not mine. Learn to read.

3) See point 2 above - I was asking for clarifications. No, I have no grudge and I'm not the guy. I was asking questions in relation to his post - how is that picking on the guy?


1) true.

2) true.

3) untrue. You were asking him to judge himself. You understood his post and did not need clarification but were asking the op to judge his own actions.


I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.

1 thing i'd like to note though. If you didn't specify beforehand that you want the Mq4 file and not just the executable, I do not find anything wrong with the conduct of not supplying you with it. On another note, the 750pounds payment is massive enough to (maybe) warrant the source (depending on size and complexity of program).

May I jsut ask, what was you payment method? How did you pay?

I did not specify mq4 because when I have some EA's coded by other programmers, it is understood, if not, they send it to me right after my request, without making any"fuss"....

I paid through Paypal, after 45 days, it's too late to get refunded; as I said, the job was supposed to take 2 weeks, it took much more than this, for something which does not even work...


And now the obvious questions.

1) If you have worked with programmerS (meaning many) who have never given you any problems, why the need to look for other programmers?

2) Why order expensive EA's when you can have the "exact same ones" for cheaper? Doesn't make sense, does it?

3) Could it be because the problem is you, and all those other programmers don't want to work with you?

Just asking basic obvious questions.

about 1) I am used to work with different programmers, with affordable prices, professionalism, the work is done fine, sometimes with some bugs-which is normal, and getting fixed after as supposed to.

To try someone else, even expensive belongs about "exploring new options", I was curious to see how this guy was good for this price; I actually have him code that specific EA as well as another coder I am using,

I wanted to compare, in case if his was "exceptional"; obviously, the other one was fine...

2) expensive, perhaps it was a superficial statement, I just thought at that price, something would have been "exceptional" as I previously mentioned.

3) if this was the case, you will guess by the fact I will put up more statements like the one above...again, I never had any problem with any of them, just this one, and putting a big amount of money for someone who does not deserve it,

should be public...