I have been trying to create an expert advisor that will execute a trade if one moving average is greater than another moving average with the difference of five(5).I used iMA(NULL,0,14,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) AND iMA(NULL,0,8,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0) to set up my two moving averages but it compiled but did not run. Try setting this on your trading platform and see how it works. Moving average with period 8 and 14.If you have an Idea, plaese let me know.....

Source code please. We can do all that and it will run, but will not solve your problem. And as whroeder likes to say, no slaves here, learn to code (an we'll help you) or pay someone to code for you.

I see these questions and wonder why people don't try altering the MACD Sample code to suit their needs. Starting from blank for a learner is difficult. Understand the MACD sample code and you know half to 75% of what you need to know to program your tests and wishes
