How to get 2 EAs to 'talk' to each other on separate MT4 instances



I am new to MetaTrader and MQ4, so please excuse any obvious questions. However, I have failed to find the answer online. Here is my question:

I wish to develop my own 'EA' running on 2 different MT4 instances connected to 2 different brokers. Under certain circumstances, I would like one EA (running on one MT4 instance) to send a 'close' signal to the other EA (running on the other MT4 instance). Is this possible?

One suggestion is to write a DLL. The first EA would call the DLL to force it to write something to a file which the second 'EA' would read and interpret this as a sell signal. Would this work?

Is there any better way to do it?




I dont know if you can point MT4 to the same directory in order to access the file. Also, if you could would there be read/write issues on a file opened by another program, and perhaps still open ? no idea, but I will be interested in the answer.


I dont know if you can point MT4 to the same directory in order to access the file. Also, if you could would there be read/write issues on a file opened by another program, and perhaps still open ? no idea, but I will be interested in the answer.

Hi Mick.

I will keep you posted. I was thinking the DLL would simply create a file in the 'tmp' directory. The 2nd EA would read it. I dont think this would cause a problem because the 2nd EA would not be writing to the same file.

Anyway, do you know of a better way/approach? My suggestion appears/feels quite primitive.

The other question I forgot to ask there any known issues/problems running multiple MT4 instances on the same Windows machine?
The other question I forgot to ask there any known issues/problems running multiple MT4 instances on the same Windows machine?

also easy to use : windows registry

one EA write there, other read and delete/archive

use named pipes.

Hi zzuegg,

I very much appreciate the reply. I will test the code in the link you sent. It appears (on paper) it will solve my problem.

Do you know if you can run a server AND a client with each EA? Market movements will decide which EA is the client and which is the server.

Are there any restrictions using named pipes on XP/Windows 7/etc?


also easy to use : windows registry

one EA write there, other read and delete/archive

Thanks EADeveloper,

how would an EA write to the 'windows registry'? And why is the registry better to use than the file system?


Thanks EADeveloper,

how would an EA write to the 'windows registry'? And why is the registry better to use than the file system?

>>One suggestion is to write a DLL

Most of the languages you use for write the dll can easy access the registry.

Better then filesystem is in my opinion because in the registry you can read/write within a structured key. Filesystem is more complicated if you use more parameters/charts/EA's.

Delphi Example for read integer from registry:

function GetRegistryInteger(MID,KeyName: PChar): integer;    StdCall;
var Regi: TRegistry;
  Regi := TRegistry.Create;
    Regi.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
    Regi.OpenKey('Software\EaRegistry\'+MID, False);
    Result := Regi.ReadInteger(KeyName);

>>One suggestion is to write a DLL

Most of the languages you use for write the dll can easy access the registry.

Better then filesystem is in my opinion because in the registry you can read/write within a structured key. Filesystem is more complicated if you use more parameters/charts/EA's.

Delphi Example for read integer from registry:


would you see this a better solution over 'named pipes'?



would you see this a better solution over 'named pipes'?

better i dont know, this depends also on the developer i guess, in my opinion more easy, but i am use do develop in delphi also :-)

But this from the pipes:

if (SendPipeMessage(ServerName, Message, RetryForSeconds)) {
Print("Message succeeded (but may not have been processed by the server yet)");
} else {
Print("Message failed!");

normaly with the registry can not happen, because when client B is not availibel for the moment he can read later the value from registry and decide to use or not (i use for example in the registry a timestamp when i was writen, the pair, the timeframe and the command) so if the timestamp is to old, i delete the entry from the registry and do not fullfil the command.