I suggest "MQL5 signals" establish and present a new index (that I name it "EoB") = Equity/Balance x 100 (%). It shoud be charted by time or by closed trades. - page 5

But their is no pips in individual signal page and no monthly pips chart.

1) Does-not need to be down-trend, I used the down-trend as an obvious example. They could both be up-trends.

2) This performance index depends mostly on how-often the snapshot of equity vs balance is taken. And would capture less accurately systems which trades one-trade-@-a-time depending on how often MQ captures it. This is more resource intensive.

3) I'm not questioning the worth of your EoB index either. The more stuff Meta-Quotes includes the happier everyone will be. But how practical is this approach? I alone can submit over 100 studies which Meta-Quotes can include.

4) Perhaps you're correct. But how about something much more universal and less-particular?

5) Ambiguity confuses people. It's either 1% || 2% || 3% || 5%. Either System1 performs better-than System2 or it doesn't. If everyone using the same Index is equally valid in re-defining it, then whats the point of the Index? 

You are excellent, Any member & I would encourage you do it.

Each person utilizes an index in his own way depending on his discretion. 

This is not for only EoB index but for any index.

Ex: You feel a drawndown 30% of equity is too risky, but another one may accept it, he may bear up to 40%, for instant


My personal suggestion of utilizing EoB index:

The same minEoB ==> choose the greater earning  rate (for more profit)

The same earning rate ==> choose the greater minEoB (for less risk)

I ask for stoping disscussion here. You can post the final comment if you would like.

If you didnot yet vote my poll, please do it. Thank you for your voting. 

Also, that is average pips. They should show total pips gained in provider page prefferably just after growth.