Maximum Number of Alerts in MT4 ?



Does anybody know if there is a maximum number of (sound-) alerts that can be set up in Meta Trader 4.

I now have 64 alerts set up and it seems I can't set up any new alerts. If I add a new alert, it is still possible, but it will disapear upon restart.

So my question, does anyone know if there is a limit on the maximum number of alerts ?

Can somebody please check this, maybe check the software code or something to find this out?

If there is such a limit at 64 maximum number of alerts, how can I extend this number of alert ?

Instructions would be very welcome.

Best Regard and good trades to everyone.





does anybody know about this restriction ?

The restriction appears to be 64 maximum number of alerts set up. Can anyone confirm this please?

Any software person can check this up please?

Best Regards,



Well I guess nobody knows the answer and no software expert around to look at the software to tell whether there is such a restriction or not.

I now have to run a second MT4 (actually a 3rd) just for adding additional alerts.

Not very convenient.

Between, does anybody of you know how to contact Metaquotes support about this. (I tried contacting them before for another issue, but it appears they don't really have support staff answering these smaller enquiries).




int alertlimit=64,alerted=0;//put this out of start()

if(... alert condition ...)


if(alerted<alertlimit) alert();



maybe help