Information about iHigh, iLow, iOpen & iClose


I have been looking for some info about iHigh, iLow, iOpen & iClose, but i can't find anything other than samples.

Can someone tell me or point me to some information on how it works?



Thanks gjol!

Has anyone else seen websites with more examples and explanations?



what is it you want to know about them that isnt explained in the docs ?

      int ixTF = iBarShift(NULL, otherTF, Time[ix], false);
      double otherHigh = iHigh(NULL, otherTF, ixTF);

gets High from other timeframe (or symbol even).

As another example, note that

 myHigh = High[ix];

is same as

 myHigh = iHigh(NULL, 0, ix);

NB code just typed; not compiled or tested.