Refresh Issue


Not sure what version of MT4 this became an issue, but it is definitely there now. To ease cpu load, I use a flag so my indicators only run every new bar. Been working great for years, but I noticed now that when the refresh button is pressed, all my indicators disappear.

From what I can gather, a refresh clears the line buffers but does not hit the "init" function of the indicator where the flags are reset. At that point the buffers are empty (ie. no lines ) but the indicator has no way of knowing this and waits until a new bar to run the code, or I change time frames to re-init the indicators ... quite a pain really as this was working fine before.

Can this bug be returned to how it used to be and/or some method of determining within code that this button was pressed?

thank you


PS... Confirmed that version 229 does not have this problem.

  1. refresh clears the line buffers but does not hit the "init" function

    It resets IndicatorCounted() so you redraw all bars.

  2. To ease cpu load, I use a flag so my indicators only run every new bar
    Drop your flag and just don't calculate bar zero.

suppose... however, it would be nice if the way things have been done over the last 5 years were left alone ... unless there is a significant reason for the change of course. There are particular reasons for doing it this way as compared to your suggestion ... ie. sections in the code that turn the indi on/off for the remainder of the bar.

In the mean time, I'll try using that function call as the flag. Thanks. Running version 229 removes the problem too.. ;)


Big problem for me too... just screwed up 2 years of hard work. Hits offline charts worst of all.

How can I go back to last version... this is unacceptable..... Yet, I really like MetaTrader and think they have done a great job with their platform.

METATRADER GUYS ---- PLEASE reverse this 'update'



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if your new bar test is "myStaticDT < Time[index]" try changing to "myStaticDT != Time[index]"

That fixed some of my redraw issues


How do I get version 229 back??


The problem is mainly with the offline charts. Running MBT verision 399, with 32 bit, dual core 3166Mg & 4 meg of ram with XP Pro.

1. If I load only standard charts then my CPU runs less the 15%.

2. If I load a 1 min chart then load the Renko -SCRIPTwWicks the CPU shoots up above 50%, I haven't even called up the 5 min offline chart.

3. If I load the 1 min chart & load the Renko 3.2 EA onto it with the Expert Advisor active the CPU remains below 20%. When I call up the 2min offline chart, it remains under 20%, NO CHANGE, but As soon as I load any Indicator to this offline 2min chart the cpu shoots up and stays at 50%, if I remove the indicator and we settle back to below 20%.

This high CPU loading problem occures with all 4 of my PCs of which one is 64k windows 7, it handles the problem better and doesn't lock up but still shows over 50% Usage. These charts are the same than I have been running for years but now they are a problem. Is this a ploy to get MT4 customers off of the offline charts? I know MT5 doesn't even offer offline.

I like Renko, a lot, please offer any suggestions that might help this problem short of switching to Tradestation I'm stumped.