Send time split orders



I need to send time splited orders when I have a signal.

Let me explain, by placing an exemple.

When some defined conditions are meet, I want to place a buy order, then 20 seconds later places another buy order and 20 seconds later place a third buy order.

if (bla bla bla == true)


OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,Ask-25*Point,Ask+25*Point,"My order #2",16384,0,Green);

wait for 20 seconds - what should I place here to do this as I want ????

OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,Ask-25*Point,Ask+25*Point,"My order #2",16384,0,Green);

wait for 20 seconds again - what should I place here to do this as I want ????

OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1,Ask,3,Ask-25*Point,Ask+25*Point,"My order #2",16384,0,Green);



The stupid answer

//---- wait for 10 seconds

Meaning I think my answer is stupid!!!

  1. Sleep(), RefreshRates(), next send. You must ALWAYS refresh between any two server calls and after sleep.
  2. To OP, why?
  1. Sleep(), RefreshRates(), next send. You must ALWAYS refresh between any two server calls and after sleep.
  2. To OP, why?

I already tryed to sleep it.
but when I sleep it, and then refreshrates the settings that have origined the first order, may not be true in a meanwhile.


I already tryed to sleep it.
but when I sleep it, and then refreshrates the settings that have origined the first order, may not be true in a meanwhile.

Thats why it was the stupid anwer!

Count the number of open orders or keep track of orders placed with a static var.

if (ordercount <3 ) check the time of the last order against TimeCurrent()

if( (TimeCurrent()-lastordertime) > 20 ) {

check conditons still apply and place order.



Thats why it was the stupid anwer!

Count the number of open orders or keep track of orders placed with a static var.

if (ordercount <3 ) check the time of the last order against TimeCurrent()

if( (TimeCurrent()-lastordertime) > 20 ) {

check conditons still apply and place order.



I'll try it.
