Backtesting report



After the backtesting optimization process I save the html report on my computer but the report is strange, I have many lines in the transactions section like "daily commision" (images below), is it normal?




About the graph, there is also a mistake because I see this graph below into the tab "Graph" of mt5: 


but when I have saved the report I see this graph:


This is not the same, do you have an explanation?

Thank you for your answer.



Daily commission - is normal (but report has wrong "order of orders")

 But differences in graph and order - are bug.

I get graph and report like yours when use TesterWithdraw() function. If it's true (or false :)) for you, write ticket to Service Desk. 


Thank you for your answer.

I don't find TesterWithdrawal function into my expert advisor !

Where can I write ticket to Service Desk? 

Documentation on MQL5: Common Functions / TesterWithdrawal
Documentation on MQL5: Common Functions / TesterWithdrawal
Common Functions / TesterWithdrawal - Documentation on MQL5

Thank you for your answer.

I don't find TesterWithdrawal function into my expert advisor !

Where can I write ticket to Service Desk? 

From your Profile there is a link on the left hand side of the page.

Thank you I sent a message to Service Desk.