MQL4: what should I do in order to use INPUTBOX on mql code?


I would like to use INPUTBOX for type the password during init the EA.

There is one dll showed on forum, but it is not availbale for download.

Can somebody help me in this case ?

Thanks in advance.



There is one dll showed on forum, [...]

where, can i c a link


Thanks in advance.


I am doing the similar task now and going to finish in two days.
After that I'd make attempt to link it with MQL4.

Test task:

Should be under the operating system Microsoft Windows XP.
We have to do the job with Microsoft Visual C + + and provide all the project files,
without the executable and object files. The project should be fully assembled.

Develop the function by putting it in a dynamic library dll, find information
about the users on the basis of contents of a text file.
For authorization (to find information about the user), the main program sends a
function (DLL): user name, password, and the full path to the data.
If authorization is successful (if on this path in the file entry is found for
username and password), the function should return a list of authorization parameters line by line.

The configuration file is a text file. Each row contains the name
Username: Password: [Option Authorization: The authorization parameters: Parameter ...
Authorization N] (see box)

Leave a console test application, requesting a username and password.
This application should be used to obtain a list of options
for the login and password function from the dll, which is described above.
If authorization is successful, display the standard output a list of parameters (one parameter per line).
If authorization fails, the program should inform the user that the authorization failed.

Library of authorization must be loaded dynamically.

Example auth.txt

Separator - ':'
The first entry in a row - the login, the second - the password on your login credentials.

User1 - Login
12345 - the password
login - authentication settings
pass - option authorization
exit - option authorization