How to interpret and optimize the result of my EA


Hello everybody!

I concern myself on Forex, MetaTrader and backtesting for a few weeks. So I have not that much experience about that topic. I wrote a simple EA that goes long or short when one moving average is crossing another one including a stop loss and a trailing take profit. The result of it, backtested from January 2010 to December 2010 is shown below. After I made several tries of programming trading strategies that made only minus, I am happy right now to manage one to be profitable (on backtesting at least ;-)).

Now I got some questions about it:

First about interpreting the result. I optimized the variable Parameters to gain a maximum Profit in the end, the other aspects in the Report are not so obviously but probably important, too. On what parameters should I focus and what range of value can be called as good or not good.

Second: The EA works simply with moving averages as technical indicators. What kind of other technical indicator fits well to moving averages? I am aware about the high amount of loss trades and I expect the combination of another or several other indicators to minimize that deficit.

I am thankful about any idea that might lead to a new conclusion.


There are many ways to use multiple indicators. One way that it's called is 'filtering'

I suggest you search here for 'filter' & see if anything works like you want.


Hi brewmanz,

thanks for the answer (one at least ;))

I searched for the Keyword filtering and found interesting posts in this forum about it. I didn´t had the time to read them fully, yet. But the first view seems like it is a good choice to spend my time to do that as fast as possible.
