Navigator window

My navigator window is now gone to full width across the bottom of my screen. Does anyone know how I can get it back to the left hand side again.
click the bar that says 'navigator' & drag it somewhere else .. like maybe left of the charts area


My cat laid across my keyboard and removed the Navigator, Market watch, Terminal, Tools bars and Status bar all in one go. ( I wonder how he knew how to do that?)

I easily put all the above windows back on my MT4 environment and closed MT4.

My problem is upon reopening MT4 the above windows are missing and I have to manually bring these back up each time I open my MT4.

Is there a file I can delete/rebuild to stop this issue?




OK I fixed it by removing the Terminal.ini file from the \config folder, restart MT4 and rebuild the environment from scratch.

It now saves the environement information and brings the environemtn back as I configured it.

I also found what might have occurred.

My cat may have pressed the F11 key (Full Screen).

The terminal.ini file might have kept the Full screen mode on as a default until I press it again.

When I press the F11 key it look just like the description I made above.
