Mt4 LOG FILE --- Please eliminate the log File, it kills my harddrive memory


Hello Mql,

my log file has so much Data. It kills my memory. The same process in the tester File. A solution should be created.




A) Look in the log file & see what's actually filling it up. Maybe a custom indicator/EA is logging heaps of stuff

B) Invest in a larger drive

C) Paper trade until your situation improves

del logs\*.log periodically

Hello Mql,

my log file has so much Data. It kills my memory. The same process in the tester File. A solution should be created.



Here is a solution I found at,1,2


Some subscribers may want to delete their MT4 log files periodically to prevent the VE disk from becoming full, which can lead to serious issues. It is easy to do with a scheduled script. Here is how:

Open notepad and enter the following line:

del /S "C:\Program Files\*.log"

Save the file to your C drive as "deletefiles.BAT"

Now to configure the script to run on schedule...

start->control panel->Scheduled Tasks->add a task

Click "Next" then "Browse"

Navigate to the file you just saved, C:\deletefiles.BAT and select it

Under "Perform this task", select "daily" and click "next"

Set a time to run the batch and click next.

In the user name field, enter "Administrator"

Enter your Administrator password in the password fields

Click "Finish"

The MT4 log files will now be deleted every day at the time above. Note the current log file will not be deleted as it will be in use.

Hope it helps



Create a script to delete MT4 / MT5 log files (builds 670 and 965 respectively current)

See here # post 5 


Create a script to delete MT4 / MT5 log files (builds 670 and 965 respectively current)

See here # post 5 

Please don't double post, and especially not to ancient/old threads . . .

OK - Gotcha

Thought it may be helpful as the thread comes up in search engines and the script is current.


Create a script to delete MT4 / MT5 log files (builds 670 and 965 respectively current)

See here # post 5 

Thanks,  it was very helpful