Problems connecting to Mt4 server with Mt4 Terminals. Server terminates the connection.


I am connect up to a MT4 server fine, but every night when the server is reset I cannot reconnect for an hour. I've worked with the broker and so far we have not found the root cause. From a tcp dump on the server once the TCP handshake is completed the MT4 server immediately terminates the connection with a FIN. Is there anything in the MT4 server code that could cause this, such as throttling the number of connections from a specific IP address, etc?




if u restarting the terminal is it also not connecting ?


if u restarting the terminal is it also not connecting ?


Yep after restarting the terminal it still won't connect. If I change the IP address that the system is connecting from its fine, till the next day, then the same situation. I've verified no Intrustion Detection, etc is in the path and terminating the connection. From being on the MT4 server itself, I can see it killing off the connection. and its stops doing that after an hour. I actually have a couple of terminals behind a NAT so I am establishing multiple connections, which is why I was curious how the MT4 server would interpret that and if it would limit the number of connections on restart.


if only by changing the ip u r able to connect to the server the problem is definitely by the servers side not yours