Indicator which will print High/Low of previous candle and bidask price of current candle [Help]?


Hi need a help on programming it.

I am not so good in MQL.I have lack of basic knowledge in here.

So need your help.


Here is my program please correct me where is am wrong.


//| TEST3.mq4 |

//| Copyright © 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//| |


#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp."

#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int NumberOfDays = 10;

extern string FontName = "Courier New";

extern int FontSize = 12;

extern color FontColor = Red;

extern int Window = 0;

extern int Corner = 0;

extern int HorizPos = 20;

extern int VertPos = 20;

Double Range, bidp, askp, range;

range = High [2] - Low [2];

bidp = Bid;

askp = Ask;

Comment ("bidp: ",bidp,"askp: ",askp,"range: ",range);

High[0] or Low[0] price current candle
High[2] or Low[2] price for 3th candle from current


Do i need to Time frame comments in the programs? or it will be automatic?

Cause this programs shows my error.

no you don't need it will read current time frame if you not define it. similar with NULL.
Hey Cashcube, did you ever make it work? This is exactly what i've been looking for.
Hey Cashcube, did you ever make it work? This is exactly what i've been looking for.

Try this indicator code ...

#property indicator_chart_window

int start(){
   string bid = "Bid= "    +  DoubleToStr( Bid, Digits ) + "\n";
   string ask = "Ask= "  +    DoubleToStr( Ask, Digits ) + "\n";
   string range = "Range= " + DoubleToStr( High[1]-Low[1], Digits );
   Comment( bid + ask + range );

Try this indicator code ...

Thanks :)