Using Synapse dll from MT4 on MQL, How to use deployed dll from MetaTrader 4

Hi, I'm new to Synapse and did have browsed for the topic but found nothing in the forum. So I suggest here to create a tutorial on using Synapse dll on MT4. Please can some one help me?

I start as described bellow:

#import "XXX.dll"
void StepEpoch(); // Step one epoch

this is OK because I get no error importing the dll. But when I try to make a call to StepEpoch() it say that the function is not presented in the dll. Why is that?

this is what I use:

void OnStart()

So I conclude the functions are called somehow else but how? Can You please describe how?

Thank You and I hope we create useful tutorial here because such does not exist.
Speculation: The function might be exported by a different name due to some name mangling. There exist tools that can list a DLL's function exports and their export names.

Hi, thank you for your reply!

I have a try with one application called DLL Export Viewer but it shows nothing. So I conclude that no functions are exported at all that is why I can not call them. It makes sense.

I have a tutorial how to use my dll maked from the vendor but it is for regular .NET components not for MQL. Here is the .NET syntax:

using Peltarion.Deployed;
using Peltarion.Maths;

public partial class Police : Form
    GoodCopBadCop sys = new GoodCopBadCop(); //<---Add
    public Police()    

private bool FailEvaluation(int age,…)
     sys.Set_CSV(age, avgg, chdn, exed, cr, sex, sece, 0, 0, 0);
     sys.StepEpoch(); // Step one epoch
     Matrix o = sys.Output_Port0; // Get the output
     return o[0] < o[1]; // Return true if pass < fail
This is how they use the dll from .NET application but this does not work for MQL. 

I think the dll functions should be exported somehow to be used in MQL may be with another dll using C++. Am i right?