After 1 hour CPU, MT4 Terminal.exe hasn't actually started. What's happened?


After starting Terminal.exe, MT4 has chewed up 1 hour CPU (almost same as elapsed) and not actually started up (no window visible, no task in task bar).

It's chewing 50% on twin core (so one core pretty much solid usage)

Terminal.exe version =

PF Delta usually 0 & peaking at 3 (i.e. not much paging happening). No I/O happening either.

Working mem was usually around 200M but after an hour dropped down to about 20M.

I've restarted computer (Win Vista 32 bit Business) - same result

Anyone any suggestions?

(edit typo)

delete the profiles. most likely there is a indicator stucked in a endless loop

*STOP PRESS* it burst into life after 1h30! I had been making changes to indicator code before problem happened; I'll check if it's getting stuck.

Thanks for suggestion


.. and stuck again whilst drawing chart.

Deleting the (MT4)\profiles\default\*.chr files allowed it to start (with no charts, which must be where it's getting stuck) so I'll now try and work out which indicator is sticking.

At least now I can get the thing started when I break it again ... as I'm sure I will.