Adding time filters



i am new to MT4 programming and i want to write my strategy to build a simple EA.

i managed to write the enter parameters using a free tool i found on the internet, but i can't introduce time filters, which are very important for me.

can you please help me to introduce this instructions:

1) Watch the close of the 7.15 bar

2) enter at 7.30 if "buy conditions" are true

3) Exit anyway all trades at 9.30

to be simple i want that at 7.30 my EA enters a trade only if the conditions that i wrote are met at the end of the previous 15M bar.

thank you very much if someone could help me.

int         DOW = TimeDayOfWeek(now),   /*
// reports DayOfWeek() always returns 5 in the tester. No refresh?*/
            DayMask = 1 << DOW;
//                      #define DAYS_MAX    0x3F    // 1<<6-1=63. (S-F)
//extern int      Days.Mask                   =  55;      // Not Wed
if (Days.Mask & DayMask == 0){  EA.status="Day="+DOW;       return(0); }
//extern double   TradeHr.UTC.Start           =   7.3;    // London-1
//extern double   TradeHr.UTC.End             =  12.9;    // NY open
int secStart    = 3600*TradeHr.UTC.Start,
    secEnd      = 3600*TradeHr.UTC.End,
    hrBeg   = (now-secStart+86400)%86400,
    hrEnd   = (now-secEnd  +86400)%86400;
if (hrBeg > hrEnd){     EA.status="HR"+DoubleToStr(hrBeg/3600.-24,2);
                                                            return(0); }
thank you very much. very useful.