Can anyone help?


Hi all experts!

I am really new to MQ4 language. I want to know some of the basic codes and rules for the language. I have an idea but unable to write the code for it. Please help me. What are the basic codes to write for EA or custom indicators? Please support me.


how about to start here


how about to start here

Yes. I am reading this book. But when I actually see the coding for already made EA, I feel stuck. I have downloaded an EA which shows different results on different machines. How to test it and how to start writing. I mean from where actually I can start writing?

I have attached the file here also. Please see to it and help.



Yes. I am reading this book. But when I actually see the coding for already made EA, I feel stuck. I have downloaded an EA which shows different results on different machines. How to test it and how to start writing. I mean from where actually I can start writing?

I have attached the file here also. Please see to it and help.



you don't have to feel stuck. It would be surprising if you are new to coding an fully understand a EA coded by someone. But indeed it's a good learning method. Unfortunately it is not possible to learn a programming language from scratch only by looking at code.

I have not looked at the EA you posted but the name suggests that there is some kind of kind of learning algorithm included. By there nature they will most likely not get the same results on a new test. all kind of EA's are kind of a black box system. you will never know how they actually do the math.

My advise: Start with something smaller.



Start with something small, small scripts and similar, when your comfortable with the standard functions, try something more difficult,

"You'll have to learn addition before attempting multiplication"