[Help - Indicator] why it didn't plot high low like the way i wanted?


I try to make for my self a chart of daily eurusd (EURUSD D1) in London Session Only, at first the candle body was plot wrong however i haven't change the code yet but then it plot nicely the way i want, so i continue write candle shadows High and Low for london session only... then it happen exactly the same like candle body... well i just post this before it suddenly fix without any code modification... (weird...)

candle body(open & close) is plot correctly but candle shadows(high & low) isn't plot correctly

so any one could help me where did i do wrong?

(this indicator works on eurusd chart - the chart need to be line chart then set line chart color to none so indicator candlestick can "nicely" plot)

well this picture could explain better than my english:


here's the code:

//| BPA - D1 London Session.mq4.mq4
//| © Ricky.Ricx @ BrooksPriceAction.com
//| http://www.brookspriceaction.com/
#property copyright "© Ricky.Ricx @ BrooksPriceAction.com"
#property link      "http://www.brookspriceaction.com"

#property indicator_chart_window

extern string  London_Open="03:00";
extern string  London_Close="11:55"; //since this use M5 data to find OHLC D1 candle so london close is 11:55 is the same as 12:00
extern int     Show_How_Many_Bars=108;
extern string  To_Change_DST_Bars_Insert_Below="OR If All bars are in DST just change London Open & Close";
extern string  Please_NOTE="If no change insert -1 to both";
extern int     From_Bar=-1,

int init()

   int   n,
      for(n=Show_How_Many_Bars; n!=0; n--)
            if(From_Bar>=n && n<=To_Bar) addonehour=3600;
            else addonehour=0;

int deinit()
   int      totalobjects;


int start()
   int      counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(),

   candle(0, addonehour);

void candle(int n, int addonehour)
   int      openbar=0,
   double   openprice=0,
   datetime candledate,
   string   candledatestr,

   //find this bar date
   candledate=iTime(Symbol(), PERIOD_D1, n);
   candledatestr=TimeToStr(candledate, TIME_DATE);
   //find this bar open date & time
      opentimestr=candledatestr+" "+London_Open;
   //find open bar number at lower timeframe
      openbar=iBarShift(Symbol(), 5, opentime, false);
   openprice=iOpen(Symbol(), 5, openbar);

   //find this bar close date & time
      closetimestr=candledatestr+" "+London_Close;
   //find close bar number at lower timeframe
      closebar=iBarShift(Symbol(), 5, closetime, false);
   closeprice=iClose(Symbol(), 5, closebar);

   //find highest and lowest bar number
      highestbar=iHighest(Symbol(), 5, MODE_HIGH, Show_How_Many_Bars, closebar);
      lowestbar=iLowest(Symbol(), 5, MODE_LOW, Show_How_Many_Bars, closebar);

   //find highest and lowest price
      highestprice=iHigh(Symbol(), 5, highestbar);
      openhigh=iHigh(Symbol(), 5, openbar);
      closehigh=iHigh(Symbol(), 5, closebar);
   if(openhigh>=highestprice) highestprice=openhigh;
   if(closehigh>=highestprice) highestprice=closehigh;
      lowestprice=iLow(Symbol(), 5, lowestbar);
      openlow=iLow(Symbol(), 5, openbar);
      closelow=iLow(Symbol(), 5, closebar);
   if(openlow<=lowestprice) lowestprice=openlow;
   if(closelow<=lowestprice) lowestprice=closelow;

   //plot candle body
   if(ObjectFind(candledatestr+" candlebody")==-1) ObjectCreate(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_PRICE1, openprice);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_PRICE2, closeprice);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_TIME1, candledate);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_TIME2, candledate);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 5);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candlebody", OBJPROP_COLOR, Black);

   //plot bull candle body
      if(ObjectFind(candledatestr+" bull candlebody")==-1) ObjectCreate(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_PRICE1, openprice);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_PRICE2, closeprice);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_TIME1, candledate);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_TIME2, candledate);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);
      ObjectSet(candledatestr+" bull candlebody", OBJPROP_COLOR, White);

   //plot candle shadows
   if(ObjectFind(candledatestr+" candleshadow")==-1) ObjectCreate(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_PRICE1, highestprice);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_PRICE2, lowestprice);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_TIME1, candledate);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_TIME2, candledate);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_RAY, false);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_BACK, true);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
   ObjectSet(candledatestr+" candleshadow", OBJPROP_COLOR, Black);

ah i forgot the indicator should be placed above white chart background, if its black background you'll see nothing

well i think i wasn't code it right now the code is updated and works well :) hope it could be usefull

i love this forum many senior mql4 coder are helping me :) although im not programmer i can do mql4! many thanks guys.