passing struct array as function agrument

double   Bar_Close[];

double Distance(double& Bar_Close[])

for double I know it pass like above

but how about this?

MqlRates Bar_Rates[];

how can I pass the array as an argument into the function?


for double I know it pass like above

but how about this?

how can I pass the array as an argument into the function?

There is no difference.

MqlRates Bar_Rates[];

double Distance(MqlRates &rates[])

   return 0.;

There is no difference.

thanks, tried and works perfectly

any difference using 

double Distance(MqlRates &rates[])


double Distance(MqlRates& rates[])

thanks, tried and works perfectly

any difference using 


What the compiler and debug says ?, if it's fine, than its OK.

Old post with old build of MT5

(Bug) Functions that returns struct
(Bug) Functions that returns struct
The compilation goes with no error, but the code simply doesn't run, no error alert of any kind, the code simply does nothing.

thanks, tried and works perfectly

any difference using 


There is no difference, but I prefer the first as the reference (&) is related to the variable and has nothing to do with the type.

What the compiler and debug says ?, if it's fine, than its OK.

Old post with old build of MT5

no error either way. guess it should be ok.

I am passing a reference to MqlRates and using this in my class.

However when I try to save this reference as I use it many times in the class, I get an error. Is there a solution to store a reference?


private MqlRates myrates[];

void SetMyRates(MqlRates rates[]){myrates = rates;} //Attempting to store the reference fails

I can use the reference in the array directly, but is there a solution for storing the reference in my class for repeated use? Thank you.


How can pass MqlRates like this, is this possible?

MqlRates rates[];

Function(rates[].open, rates[].high, rates[].low, rates[].close);

Thank you very much for your answer.

MqlRates rates_original[];

void test_function(MqlRates &reference[])
int total=ArraySize(reference);
if(total>0) Print("Open : "+reference[0].open);

reference may be confusing , think of it as "telling the function which rates array to read"

void runtest()
test_function(rates_original);//telling it where to read from
Alain Verleyen: There is no difference, but I prefer the first as the reference (&) is related to the variable and has nothing to do with the type.

And I prefer the other way; a variable that is a reference to a type. Sixty (60) years since C first came out; still no consensus.