Please help me - page 2

Can you clarify your question...? It's not clear.

I drew flow chart

I would like to implement in the red naemo.

What function should I use?

What do I do?


Just like u wrote it:

if( Symbol() == "EURUSD" ) {
   // do something
} else if ( Symbol() == "EURJPY" ) {
   // do something
} else if ( Symbol() == "EURGBP" ) {
   // do something

Just like u wrote it:

thank you very much.

finally was completed.

However, I would like to add one more.

extern double margincall = 1;

is possible.


double asd = 1;

extern double margincall = asd;

is impossible.

What should I do if second code want to be available?

extern double margincall = 1

is possible.


double asd = 1;

extern double margincall = asd;

What should I do if that want to be available?

Extern variables can only be initialized with a constant (the same is true for any global variable and also for static variables).