How would you define restlessness.. !?


I wrote my script based on EUR-USD behaviour.
Based on that pair, I decided how and where to snap the SL to the openPrice and when to advance it.

Now, when dealing with other pairs, it seem that the price of other pairs tend to behave a little differently,
sort of restlessness. They tend to jump and hop all over the turning point before getting in to course.

I have some ideas of how to define that restlessness, but would like to hear from you, how did you define it.




Volatility is Symbol() dependent and the spread value is an good proxy for ascribing the relative differences in volatility across the financial instruments when it comes to the smaller timeframes.


Other pairs have the same pressures but much less turnover to damp the effects

USDJPY is also quite well damped but as for cable....

Makes you realise why so many EA's are for EURUSD - it's no coincidence..
