MODE_TICKVALUE error! - page 3


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Question to developer of mt4 and server regarding other actives than forex:

Having ticksize, lotsize, quote currency and of course prices, broker have tickvalue...

What is happening in a bunch of brokers I tested, is that when I open position I verify that they have on server the correct tickvalue, but the terminal on the function marketinfo() the mode tickvalue returns incomplete...

Because, and for sure, the cfd quote currency from broker aren't coming.

So, the function marketinfo() could be corrected to return the correct tickvalue having from broker the ticksize, lotsize and cfd quote currency... OR retrieving the tickvalue from server as it says when position is opened with correct profit/loss as I stated.


Question to developer of mt4 and server regarding other actives than forex:


They are not here... Contact MetaQuotes.

Let's give it one more try:

...when I open position I verify that they have on server the correct tickvalue, but the terminal on the function marketinfo() the mode tickvalue returns incomplete...

How did u verify that the server has the correct tickvalue? What is incomplete about MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE)?

gordon:How did u verify that the server has the correct tickvalue?

I opened position, price falls or raise, and the profit/loss math is correct.
gordon:What is incomplete about MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE)?

It returns without considering the quote currency, doing the math with ticksize, lotsize and price only, missing the active base currency. The ones that match the deposit currency returns well.

MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE) is information from the broker for your benefit, they don't actually use this info in their own calculations server-side. Your daily statement is like this, as are MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_SWAP) values and MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_SPREAD)

I've seen cases where MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_SWAP) returned values that were nothing comparable to the swap values the broker posted on their website and credited/debited on the positions in my account (live).

I'm not sure what you are concerned with superbem, the fact of the matter with TICKVALUE is that the value of tickvalue (even when reported correctly) is price dependent. The tickvalue of USDJPY is different if the price of USDJPY is 81.00 or 101.00.

So what use is MODE_TICKVALUE? (it has one narrowly valid use, it is constant for currency pairs in which the counter-currency is also the account's denomination, e.g. EURUSD for USD-based accounts)

Even worse, in my opinion, is that tickvalue is only calculated correct for LONG tickvalue is wrong ALL THE TIME for short position in USDJPY for example (as well as any cross-pairs).

The lesson here is trust but verify, and when verification proves trust is not merited on a broker-by-broker basis then it is time to make sure you do the calculations yourself (this is what I do) or you find another broker that is more mindful of keeping their marketinfo values aligned with what they are actually doing with the numbers server-side.


Their calculations server-side should be automatic seeded to the MODE_TICKVALUE.

Other thing is, I understand that when mt4 only worked with forex, it don't needed a info with the currency quote, it was always the 3 letters on the right. But now with cfd there isn´t that 3 letter, should have a variable storing this.


Their calculations server-side should be automatic seeded to the MODE_TICKVALUE.

Other thing is, I understand that when mt4 only worked with forex, it don't needed a info with the currency quote, it was always the 3 letters on the right. But now with cfd there isn´t that 3 letter, should have a variable storing this.

And maybe this is the root of your having the opinion that the broker should be doing something doesn't mean the broker is broken, it just means you would prefer things to be done a certain way.

The broker doesn't have to seed anything, of course it would be nice if they did but it isn't necessary for them to do so and still operate the accounting of the trades correctly on their side of the equation (which is the only side of the equation that matters in the legal/fiducial sense).

And the counter-currency is not always the 3 letters on the right. With CMS for example the 3 letters on the right are always "FXF". And with IBFX mini accounts the last letter on the right is a lower-case "m".

Yes it would be nice to have some way of extracting the counter-currency used for cfd price valuations, be it 3 characters or an extra variable storing the info...but again there is a distinction to be made between your expectations ("should...") and what the broker can do as a minimum level of work and still operate without any issues.

I'll give you another example...server time synchronization. Wouldn't it be nice if your broker, and all brokers, actually kept their server time (the thing you access with TimeCurrent()) synchronized to an atomic clock signal somewhere? It matters when it comes to the actual OHLC values of the candles from broker to broker and even within the same broker if they have multiple servers. And yet they don't.

They should, but they clearly can function despite not doing it. I am the one who has to adjust my expectations of what my broker should be doing to account for the reality of what they are actually doing.
The thing is, it's not the broker, it's the software... Who developed don´t care.
The thing is, it's not the broker, it's the software... Who developed don´t care.
No it's not. They sell the broker a product. It's up to him to configure/maintain it. If you are not happy with your broker u have 2 choices: 1. Talk to his support and see if they can find a solution for you. 2. Switch to another broker.

Thing is, the broker can't configure all, the software leave the option to not show some data to client...

I don't know why some people here think this software is perfect as is.
