
If the deposit currency is other than USD,

The marketinfo MODE_TICKVALUE is not giving de value in deposit currency for metals, indices and cfd. Working for forex only.

Please correct this!

If one can't change the MODE_TICKVALUE for inherit reasons, just create a "MODE_TICKVAL" for example.


Who are u talking to? You should be talking to your broker. I am sure he is not here...
Who are u talking to? You should be talking to your broker. I am sure he is not here...


How come?

tickvalue comes from a formula...

And also, how to get the quote currency of any cfd or indice?


How come?

tickvalue comes from a formula...

No. MODE_TICKVALUE is calculated server side. Talk to your broker's support. If they don't help u then it's a good sign u should switch brokers.

Ok, but that seems not right indeed...

I can calculate tickvalue easily, as the client should...

So, how to get the base currency for any cfd?

I have BMW.DE I know its EUR.

I have AMZN.US I know its USD.

I have BP.UK I know its GBP.

But how one can get that info directly?

If there's none its a tremendous fail that should be corrected!

If u want to calculate it yourself go ahead. Here's a good starting point -> (search for more). But if u are asking why MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_TICKVALUE) does not return what u expect it to return then u will have to ask your broker. It's calculated server-side...There's nothing u can do in the Terminal to change that.

Ok I'll see that link, but...

I insist, is there a way to get the base currency of a cfd?

yes, no or don't know, please...


I insist, is there a way to get the base currency of a cfd?

yes, no or don't know, please...

Got me there. I only trade FX. It's a good question though... I'm sure someone will answer shortly.

Ok I'll see that link, but...

I insist, is there a way to get the base currency of a cfd?

yes, no or don't know, please...


The info is internalized on the broker side, they show you only the computed result (market-price of the instrument).

In the event that they adhere to a consistent labeling scheme for their financial instruments will you be able to programmatically (or systematically) determine the base currency of the cfd.

For example with metals like gold and silver the financial instrument is usually labeled in same fashion as the currency pairs offered by the same broker. If their labels are consistent then you can determine tick value for all their financial instruments.

But of they don't have a consistent labeling scheme then you don't have a way to extract/deconvolute the market data.


It's quite obvious that server side have a MODE_TICKVALUE that is accurate for sure... So... They can override the value to the client!?

What else can they override, hum?

If that's not a bug, It's something to ask to the ones who can do something about it.

I know how this stuff work, it's obvious that is a bug (the server aren't sending the same value, that is, there are 2 variables when it shouldn't).

But I merely think that those values (TICKVALUE ) don't come from server, It's a function that does the math in the client, but if the base currency is missing from the server, of course it returns incomplete.

So... It's a bug server<>client, shouldn't depend from the broker, because if they can override what is worth, it's illegal.