How about a 64 bit multi-core version of MT4?


MT5 is out, so u are not likely to see any changes to MT4 besides minor bug fixes. Don't get your hopes up.

p.s. MT5 runs natively at 64bit and the Tester is multi-core/multi-computer capable.


The problem is that there is currently no way to import custom historical data into MT5, nor is there Visual Mode backtesting like in MT4. So MT5 is still not 100% ready.

I will only migrate to MT5 when these features are made available. So I am stuck with the obsolete 32bit single core MT4. I may also look at other backtesting platforms that do make use of multiple CPU cores.

We have 6 core CPUs these days, and it just sounds silly and inconvenient to have to run 6 separate instances in order to make efficient use of computer resources.

So that is why I suggested releasing an interim version that makes use of recent hardware technologies until those features have been implemented in MT5.

Have you completely migrated to MT5, gordon? Why or why not?

By the way, did you delete the content of my original post? If not, I was using the K-Meleon web browser and I think there may be a problem in submitting the text from that browser to this forum. I'm now using Internet Explorer to post this message.


[...] it just sounds silly and inconvenient to have to run 6 separate instances in order to make efficient use of computer resources.

Many of us do exactly that. Some of us have designed experts to automate the process of splitting a Testing job, launching multiple Terminals and consolidating the results. This can be based on the following ->

Have you completely migrated to MT5, gordon? Why or why not?

No. I'm still testing/learning MT5... When time permits it.

By the way, did you delete the content of my original post?

I don't think so (unless it violated forum rules).